
City of Port Adelaide Enfield leverages technology to automate governance processes

The Client

The City of Port Adelaide Enfield originated from the merging of two cities, the City of Port Adelaide and the City of Enfield, making up one of the largest metropolitan Councils in Adelaide.Located in the north-western suburbs of Adelaide, the city has a multitude of parks, cultural facilities, beaches, and recreational places, as well as some of the best historical buildings and landmarks in the State.

Guided by their City Plan, the City of Port Adelaide Enfield aspires to become a city that values its diverse community and embraces change through innovation, resilience and community leadership.Aligned with their strategy, the City sought to “use technology and data to enable them to work smarter and deliver value.

The Challenge

The City of Port Adelaide Enfield’s goal is to improve processes using innovative digital tools and enable workplace optimisation. To achieve this, they required an agile software technology that was able to integrate with their existing technologies and create more efficiency with automation.

Through a joint tender with the City of Marion, the City of Port Adelaide Enfield evaluated several vendors and selected Harbour Software’s Doc Assembler platform to enhance their governance and internal processes.

The Brief and Development

To support the City of Port Adelaide Enfield in becoming a high performing leader within local government, Harbour Software delivered a clever and creative solution that provided the following benefits:  

  • SaaS that’s accessible from anywhere, anytime
  • Document version control
  • Automate laborious and manual tasks
  • Intuitive and user-friendly solution
  • Integration with the existing environment
  • Responsive and excellent customer support

Doc Assembler has been specially engineered to significantly reduce the time and effort involved in building large documents and reports. Users can leverage robust and modern technology to add value to their organisation and transform the way they work.

SaaS integration is key to connecting digital applications, enabling them to work cohesively and “talk to one another”. Integrated with other technologies, including Microsoft Office 365, Azure Cloud and Power BI, Doc Assembler offers a holistic approach to improving organisational performance.

Value Added with Power BI

The City currently uses a Corporate Performance Management digital tool and enquired if it was possible to integrate the platform with Doc Assembler so they can share information and streamline business operations. Although it was not part of the original tender requirements, Harbour Software understands the importance of implementing integrated systems to streamline processes, reduce costs and ensure efficiency.

Therefore, Harbour Software extended the functionality to integrate the Corporate Performance Management system to work with Doc Assembler by customising the Power BI data warehouse to suit the City’s reporting requirements.

The Outcome

The City of Port Adelaide Enfield is committed to investing in their processes and people and supporting them with advanced technology to ensure they have the tools and systems they need to serve their community. Implementing and adopting new technology to empower transformational growth is a priority for the City and Doc Assembler has contributed to improving operational efficiency, creating positive outcomes for the organisation.

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