
Goolum Goolum goes digital to improve corporate governance

The Client

Goolum Goolum Aboriginal Co-Operative is an Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation within the Local Government areas of Horsham Rural City Council, Northern Grampians, Hindmarsh Shire Council, West Wimmera Shire Council, Ararat Rural City Council and Yarriambiack Shire Council. The organisation works to ensure the provision of effective health, welfare, and family services to the Aboriginal community.

Goolum Goolum continually focuses on how they can work smarter to improve communications within the organisation. Working with Harbour Software, Goolum Goolum introduced new technologies to improve corporate governance.

The Challenge

Servicing over 35,000 square kilometres of Victoria, Goolum Goolum works collaboratively with the Board of Directors, and multiple disciplinary teams to help ensure they maintain a high standard of service to their clients. To help create a digitally-enabled organisation, Goolum Goolum implemented Doc Assembler and Docs On Tap to empower a modern approach to team collaboration and meeting management.

The Brief and Development

Goolum Goolum sought a modern software application that would help them simplify internal processes, including:

  • Maintain branded and consistent templates
  • Manage workflow process for multiple approvers
  • Synchronisation for offline access
  • Allow for document version control
  • Collaboration between multiple authors
  • Paperless document storage and management
  • Protect and handle confidential documents
Doc Assembler and Docs On Tap both support organisations to achieve modern governance, smoothing the way for open communication and improved organisational processes.

The Outcome

Leveraging the new modern technology, Goolum Goolum is aiming to improve the quality of business documentations and streamline internal operations. Goolum Goolum is confident that the new technologies will benefit the organisation and help them better serve their community and clients.

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Middle aged man accesses Harbour Software cloud based technology through his iPad