
5 reasons to automate and digitise your agenda management system

Harbour Software agenda management insights

Adopting an agile and bespoke agenda management system can help inspire process improvements and boost efficiency.

Creating agendas can be a strenuous manual process for many local governments. The additional challenge of trying to keep track of the latest versions of documents, collating large amount of information and managing workflows can make it a very time-consuming exercise.

Introducing an automated and streamlined agenda approval and meeting minutes process can help drive operational efficiencies. With modern Software as a Service (SaaS) solutions, local governments can empower a digitally enabled work environment by investing in innovative technology such as Doc Assembler, and here’s why:

1.   Intuitive software

It is really important for cloud-based apps to be user friendly in order to enable easy adoption.  An intuitive software should guide users through the steps and achieve what they’re after within the app. It should not require a lot of deep thinking to accomplish their task and should perform as expected. Simplicity is key when it comes to an intuitive interface. If the app is too complex, it would create obstacles to moving forward with any digital transformation journey.

2.   Time savings

Consolidate your documents in a cloud-based location to enhance organisational process and maximise efficiency. The automation of the agenda system means you can slash the time it used to take to compile documents by configuring your workflow, process and document templates. Moreover, you won’t have to dedicate time to follow up on item status, approval requests, manually creating agenda and distributing them to the appropriate people.

3.   Increase accessibility

Cloud computing gives users access to data and documents anywhere they have an internet connection. This means you can work from anywhere and anytime through any digital environment such as laptop, smartphone, and tablets. The flexibility of cloud software allows you to remotely access data and continue making changes even if you’re not in the office.

4.   Smooth integrations

Software integrations are extremely useful in creating a comprehensive agenda solution that works in tandem to provide superior service. Working hand in hand with established native software systems, integrated software can make your life easier by creating a unified system. For example, Doc Assembler is integrated with Office 365, Power Bi, SharePoint and cloud to provide a seamless experience for its users.

5.   Improve collaboration

Improve internal and external collaboration by enabling users to access, share and collaborate on all their files and documents. teams and stakeholders to collaborate efficiently and securely.  Harnessing the power of cloud computing, users are able to communicate, delegate tasks and share information online. Cloud collaboration also allows for all team members to work collectively in real time and have full visibility to document updates.

Choose Doc Assembler

Doc Assembler is a completely cloud-based software that offers a holistic approach to managing agenda and minutes, including the ability to centralise council documents, allow real-time collaboration, set specific workflow processes, and track action items.

If you are interested in digitising your agenda and minutes platform, contact us for more information on sales@harboursoftware.com.au or call +613 9071 0027.