
Live Voting feature to support Local Government as Council meetings move online

Harbour Software Live Voting Feature News
In response to COVID-19 regulations permitting Local Government Councils to hold meetings electronically have been introduced across Australia.

With Council and Committee meetings no longer being held face-to-face, digital communications has become even more crucial.

Local Government staff and councillors are adapting to working from home and are now reliant upon digital technology such as teleconferencing, video conferencing and remote access to documentation.

Harbour Software is well equipped to facilitate online Council meetings utilizing the Live Voting feature offered by Docs On Tap. The feature provides Local Government Authorities with the necessary tools to enable Elected Members to vote in Council Meetings online so they can continue to serve their community.

Live Voting with Docs On Tap and Doc Assembler

Prompt and effective communication is critical during this unprecedented time.

Docs On Tap is a web application that is hosted in the cloud and enables users to access Council documents (such as agendas and minutes) from any location. The application also features a Live Voting function which ensures Councils in Australia can continue to adopt a ‘business as usual’ approach and simply move their decision making process online.

Docs On Tap’s Live Voting feature is integrated seamlessly with Doc Assembler, meaning Elected Members can use the app to vote online and their preference is captured in the automated minute-taking process in Doc Assembler.

Benefits of enabling Live Voting in remote meetings

Fast Decisions
Allow for quick decision making and respond promptly to community issues and crisis

Minutes Capture
Instantly capture Council votes in the minutes document within Doc Assembler

Increase Productivity
Improve productivity within your local government  by digitally empowering staff and Council

How to implement Live Voting feature

Harbour Software can provide a comprehensive solution to facilitate online the electronic distribution of Council Agendas and facilitate online voting during Council meetings. We can help you setup and install the necessary tools remotely and provide training to staff or Council using our virtual training program. Ongoing support services are also available to assist in maximising the benefits of our solution and ensure you can continue to support your community during these unprecedented times.